No matter the job, he’s always there for our chefs. Now Vaughn Hindle, who provides free kitchen maintenance services donated by Woolworths, is literally going the extra mile. He’s running his first marathon to support FareShare on Saturday.
Vaughn has been an invaluable help to our Melbourne kitchen over the past two years where his handy skills have tackled multiple tasks. Crickette DerJeu, our kitchen manager, describes him as a “legend”.
“I was blown away by the overwhelming empathy and support that FareShare provides for those less fortunate and those who could do with a home-cooked meal,” says Vaughn. “Whenever I am there I have the urge to do as much as I can to support them in any way possible.”

Vaughn says his wife was the inspiration for his first marathon attempt which he will run between East Warburton and Lilydale Lake.
“She started running about four years ago. I have been there at the finish line on all her marathons and I thought to myself one day I’d love to cross that line with her.”
Vaughn knows it will be tough completing the 42.2km and is already experiencing niggles in his knees and feet on training runs but is determined to push through.
“My wife is going to be running by my side singing to Shawn Mendes the whole way, keeping a steady pace and constant words of encouragement.
“When I first started training I thought being able to say I’ve run a full marathon was satisfaction enough. But now my goals have changed. I think I will get the most satisfaction by knowing that with help from friends, family and work colleagues, I have managed to raise a little bit of money and awareness for such an amazing organisation.”
FareShare will be behind Vaughn all the way. You can read more about his marathon and get behind him here.
“I can’t thank Vaughn and Woolworths enough for keeping our kitchen running smoothly,” said Crickette. “But running a marathon – that takes Vaughn’s support to a whole new level. We are so grateful.”