National Volunteer Week (NVW) 2024 – FareShare volunteer profiles

FareShare is powered by volunteers. Hundreds of people give up their time every week to help out in the FareShare kitchens, kitchen gardens, warehouse, as well as driving and administration. We could not rescue produce, grow veggies, cook thousands of free, nutritious meals every day, or distribute them to hundreds of charity partners without them. 

Get to know a few of our wonderful volunteers by flipping over their profile cards (or clicking on them on mobile) here…

FareShare Melbourne

Phil is being recognised this National Volunteer Week for racking up 265 hours over the past year as a volunteer driver. Flip his card for more. 

Lei Beng has been a FareShare kitchen volunteer for 10 years! For a few months, she also volunteered in the FareShare front office as an admin volunteer. 

Julie is celebrating a whopping 20 years as a FareShare volunteer this National Volunteer Week, an incredible contribution.  

FareShare Brisbane

Would you like to join Team FareShare? Find out more about volunteering here:

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